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Temple of Universal Judaism members includes multi-generational families, same-sex couples and individuals, interfaith families and couples, those descended from matrilineal or patrilineal Jewish parents, Jews-by-choice, and people of all ages.  Though we are a mainstream Reform congregation with strong, traditional Jewish values and practices, we feel privileged to welcome both Jews and non-Jews.

TUJ is far more than a synagogue or simply a religious group: we are a true “community” – a warm, devoted congregation of caring and supportive individuals and families who share a culture of Jewish living.

As we continue to grow, our members come from all the great population centers of world Jewry: North America, South America, France, Israel, and many more.  And with our very low cost Membership, TUJ is the most financially egalitarian Reform congregation in New York!  Regardless of one's footing, we make it possible for all to join us.

Pay                             Dues

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If you'd prefer not to join as a Member now, please visit us for one or more of the Holy Days.  We're honored to have you and will apply 100% of each Guest's High Holy Day contributions toward Membership.


contact us

212 658 0810   Temple Office
917 617 3615    In case of Family Emergency,
                             please TEXT Rabbi Fridkis

Your requests, comments and questions are always welcome 

-------                                       1010 Park Ave
 East 85                                      NY NY  10028
 LOCATION        Snail Mail 
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