Temple of Universal Judaism
A URJ: Union for Reform Judaism Congregation
1010 Park Avenue
@ E 85th 10028
Rabbi Ari Fridkis
יְהִי בֵיתְךָ פַּתוּחַ לִרְוָחָה...
May your house be open
so that all may come in . . .
- The Talmud
שנה טובה
high holy days
click boxes below for all links


holy days INFO
ימים נוראים
Fri Sep 18
Sun Sep 27
7pm Evening Service
Sat Sep 19
Mon Sep 28
9:30am Family Service
11:00am Morning Service
12:30pm Torah Study
2:30pm Healing Service
5:00pm Yizkor (Memorial Service)
Neila (Closing Service)
7pm Evening Service
with Kol Nidre
MEMBER & GUEST holy day info
Everyone - Jewish or not - is always welcome at The Temple of Universal Judaism and TorahNYC, a URJ: Union for Reform Judaism Congregation.
TUJ Members, Family & Friends
Please pay your Membership on our Membership page -or- pay here on PayPal button below.
Member's Adult Children/Grandchildren over 18 yo: sign-in via Holy Day Portal above
Suggested Optional Contribution:
$25/service -or- $100/ Holy Days (all five Main Services)
Other Friends & Family: sign-in via Holy Day Portal above
$25/service -or- $100/ Holy Days (all five Main Services)
TUJ-TorahNYC Guests
Guests: Please Contribute! Sign-in via Holy Day Portal above
Suggested Optional Contribution:
$25/service -or- $100/ Holy Days (all five Main Services)
Family Service
Members: Join us for Family Services! Membership includes all TUJ Services and events.
Guests: Please Contribute! Sign-in via Holy Day Portal above
Suggested Optional Family Contribution:
$25/family per service
TUJ Membership
Annual TUJ Membership is just $600 per adult (25+) and includes the High Holy Days.
For those who can contribute more, a voluntary, honored Membership is $1,000.
Click here to download Membership Form -or- visit our Membership page for form and payment.
TUJ has the most generous dues structure among mainstream URJ Reform congregation in NYC! Regardless of one's financial situation, we make it possible for all interested to join us. We offer Scholarships for individuals and families with financial need seeking to become active TUJ Members. Please contact the Rabbi or Temple Treasurer.
While not required, TorahNYC/ TUJ Guests are encouraged to contribute for all services - but no one will be turned away.
Please contribute here -or- at the TUJ Holy Day Portal.
No reservations are required. The online portal is open to all who sign-in.
Contribute for High Holy Days

שנה טובה
high holy days
Links will be operational 15 mins prior to service
Help Desk will be open 45 mins prior to service
about us
At TUJ, The Temple of Universal Judaism we take pride in being a “house for all people” (Isaiah 56). For nearly fifty years we’ve been a Reform congregation where both Jews and non-Jews can find a welcoming Jewish home.
As a URJ: Union for Reform Judaism congregation, we embrace the two-millennia old premise of Rabbinic Judaism which saw the unfolding Jewish future as a shifting mirror of Judaism’s ancient past. At TUJ you will find a combination of beautiful Jewish traditions and modern creative adaptations.
Throughout history, Jews have been a people of diverse origins united by the Torah’s message of compassion and justice for all. We honor that tradition as we embrace individuals of all races, backgrounds and orientations and strive to bestow dignity on every human soul.
TUJ is historically blessed to have great longevity with clergy. Our founding rabbi, Roy Rosenberg, was with the congregation for over twenty years.
Rabbi Ari Fridkis, one of the most ideologically progressive ordained Reform rabbis in North America came to us back in 2012 and has no plans of tiring out.
Cantor, Dana Anesi, an HUC-JIR ordained Reform cantor joined us in 2014. She too is here to stay.
Both Rabbi Fridkis and Cantor Anesi are supportive and open to both intrafaith and interfaith couples and families and both officiate at interfaith weddings.
Temple of Universal Judaism members includes multi-generational families, same-sex couples and individuals, interfaith families and couples, those descended from matrilineal or patrilineal Jewish parents, Jews-by-choice, and people of all ages. Though we are a mainstream Reform congregation with strong, traditional Jewish values and practices, we feel privileged to welcome both Jews and non-Jews.
TUJ is far more than a synagogue or simply a "religious" group: we are a true “community” – a warm, devoted congregation of caring and supportive individuals and families who share a culture of Jewish living.
As we continue to grow, our members come from all the great population centers of world Jewry: North America, South America, France, Israel, and many more. And with our very low cost Membership, TUJ is the most financially egalitarian Reform congregation in New York! Regardless of one's footing, we make it possible for all to join us.
Pay Dues

* Our Space: 1010 Park Ave @E 85 * Our Email: TUJcongregation@gmail.com
* Our Mail: (+) New York, NY 10028 * Our Phone: 212 658 0810
& please return again to our temporary URL: www.TUJ-TorahNYC.org for our updated Calendar