Fri Sep 6 630p
Shabbat Field Trip
Dinner & SERVICE
A special visit to Lower Manhattan for TUJ's dedication of Mill St Synagogue Way - newly named for America's 1st synagogue, the first permanent home of NY's Spanish-Portuguese congregation.
Meet in front of The Wall Street Inn -
9 South William Street @Mill Lane
(click above for link to Google Maps)
Following a brief street dedication ceremony, we'll head to a private event space for a Ladino-Sephardic Shabbat Service along with Italian Dinner at the nearby colonial-era Fraunces Tavern.
next on Fri Nov 9
Out & About
'round town w TUJ
TUJ's 2nd Shabbat is a unique activity that takes place out of the synagogue - usually on Friday eve - aimed at bringing Members, Family & Friends together.
A trip to a museum, movie, play or cultural event around town...
"Shabbat Diner" Sabbath meal at a
local restaurant...
"Friday-Night-at-the Movies" with Homemade Shabbat Dinner at the home of Rabbi Fridkis...
A visit to a Member's home or
office - with or without a program -
including dinner, Hors D'oeuvres,
or dessert...
A walking tour on Shabbat afternoon.
With the hectic post-Summer New Year Holy Days upon us we'll begin our "2nd Shabbat" program in November.
Fri Sep 20 730p
Selihot are pre-New Year's prayers of forgiveness recited during the month before the New Year - with intensified depth beginning late at night on the Saturday before Rosh Hashanah.
By tradition, Selihot are not recited on the Sabbath as their penitential nature might conflict with the joy of Shabbat. At TUJ, however, we are comfortable with this liturgical flexibility knowing that on Friday evening most are present.
A festive, pre-New Year Oneg Shabbat of light food and sweets will follow the Service.